Walking in the Light

 Posted by on Mon, Dec 15, 2014
Dec 152014
Walking in the Light

The little Christmas tree lights shine, making a bright spot in a dark room.  The cheery decor sets an ambiance of joy in the midst of sadness.  You see, Grandma is dying. She’s wrapping up her days here on earth.  Her body is failing her, but her spirit is strong and joyful and secure in the hope of salvation and the peace that passes understanding. You see, Grandma loves Jesus.  She knows Him personally.  When you hear her speak of Him, she talks of an old friend. Grandma is no longer hungry for food.  Her only hunger is for Jesus. [ …read full story ]

Oct 282014
When one part of the Body hurts....Restore it gently

I woke up in the early morning hours with my right hand completely numb.  I’m talking, I couldn’t feel my hand, you guys!  It was scary.  I started to pray, “Lord, let the blood go back into my hand and my fingers.”  I began to consider all of the reasons that I need my right hand.  I need it to write.  I need it to cook, clean, drive, and touch the faces of my loved ones.  And I need to use it to touch people who need to be touched.  I need it to reach out, laying on hands in [ …read full story ]