Soul Friend – The Book

Soul Friend - The Book

Book Coming Soon:  Soul Friend, Becoming a Friend Like Jesus I am currently writing my first book. Walking with God.  Being a Friend.  Helping others become what God designed them to be ……. this is the message of Soul Friend. Soul Friend builds on the need to establish a strong friendship with God that permeates every other relationship in the lives of Christian women. Soul Friend provides practical ideas on how to grow spiritually and relationally with God, self and others.  The book is based on more than two decades of working with Christian churches to help women grow in their relationship [ …read full story ]

Welcome to Soul Friend Blog!

 Posted by on Sun, Jul 13, 2014
Jul 132014

I’m so glad you found me. I would love to be your friend as you walk with Jesus. Join the Soul Friend community to grow together in our relationship with God, others, and ourselves. God has a purpose for each one of us in relation to each other, and as we seek Him, He will reveal it to us. In this world, we will have trouble. The blessing is, we are not in it alone! We have one another. So, as I seek Him, I will share with you what He is teaching me, and I would love for you [ …read full story ]

About Soul Friend

About Soul Friend

 What does God want you to do with your life?  What is your purpose?  What is His plan? Soul Friend is the product of many years of friendships and ministry.  I pray that it will be a resource for many as they walk with God and grow in their personal relationships. What is a Soul Friend? A Soul Friend is a friend who cares for your soul.  Easy as that!  It’s the kind of friend who asks you how you are doing and is really meaning, “How are you doing with God?  Are you growing spiritually?  Are you becoming more like [ …read full story ]