I hate The Bachelorette

 Posted by on Thu, Jun 18, 2015
Jun 182015

Cinderella-Lily-James-Poster-Disney-640x480I hate our modern Cinderella.

Talk about a play in contrasts. Monday night I watched the Bachelorette. Last night I watched Cinderella. I’m afraid contemporary culture has got something very, very wrong about love.

Although a fairy tale, Cinderella writers had something right. The love story is about a man and a woman. They meet, want to know each other more, want to be together.

The striking difference is that our modern Cinderella, the Bachelorette, has too many princes. The love story is not pure. There can’t be love growing when it is divided.

Love requires an undivided heart.

The preview for the upcoming Bachelorette shows that Kaitlyn had sex with one of the bachelors. Does that mean she has made her choice? No. I don’t think she equates physical intimacy with love.

I’m hoping that even modern America hasn’t fallen that far. But if our Cinderella is a reflection of our culture then we are in big trouble. We look back at the days of the Roman Colosseum where they put an unarmed man against a lion, more for blood than for sport. I would venture to say that that is what we are doing in the Bachelorette. Only, the repercussions are much more dangerous.

The lion in our story is preying on many men. But she isn’t just after them physically. That’s not enough. She wants their emotions, their heart. She wants them to bare all, becoming vulnerable to the point of raw, knowing that there is still a possibility that someone else’s raw self will be more appealing to her, and she will cast them aside as dog meat.

If we are watching the Bachelorette, it’s like we are standing in the Colosseum ready to see blood. The bachelor’s are not actors. They are real guys looking for love. They have real hearts that will be broken, real feelings that will be hurt. I hate our modern Cinderella because she is selfish. The representation of our idea of love in our culture is shameful. Why would we want to watch these guys fall in love with a woman who is really hunting and trapping, and only the best specimen has a chance?

I don’t believe that a relationship will last that is built in this way. Who would want to date a girl that is dating 10 other guys? And she’s not just dating them, she’s trying to “get into them,” knowing them as intimately as possible to see if she likes them more than one another. I feel sorry for the guys. And I think America should be ashamed. What have we done with love?

“With persuasive words she led him astray; she seduced him with her smooth talk. All at once he followed her like an ox going to the slaughter, like a deer stepping into a noose till an arrow pierces his liver, like a bird darting into a snare, little knowing it will cost him his life.” Proverbs 7:21-23

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  2 Responses to “I hate The Bachelorette”

Comments (2)

    It was great to meet you at SheSpeaks and I love what you wrote. When we reduce the gift of love and to love as something as simplistic as sex without commitment, it sets every person up for heartbreak and failure and loses the value of a gift…something beautiful to be opened only for the person the gift was intended for :-)


    So well said, Jodi! Super insightful, every single person should read this!!!!

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