The Growing Mama

 Posted by on Sun, May 19, 2013
May 192013

You know that mom with the perfectly organized everything? A place for everything in her house? She alphabetizes her spices, and uses her grocery list. Her house is spotless, any time, day or night. She is always ready to entertain and show hospitality. Her kids are perfect. Such little peaches. She speaks to them gently and kindly. She delights in them. They adore her, and make her little gifts. They always tell her She’s the best mom in the entire world. But she knows. She knows the mom with the crazy messy fun house, where all of the neighborhood kids want to be. She substitutes her spices and wings it at the shopping center. Her house is lived in, day and night, ready for another game, another snack, another talk. She is happy to share her life with you, even over a messy sink of dirty dishes. Her kids are inspiring. Full of ideas, dreams, aspirations. They are strong-headed and confronting leaders. She teaches them gently sometimes, she loves them fiercely always; but mostly she cheers for them to do better; love more, do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God. She finds joy in their Christlike progress and takes pleasure in their growing up, becoming, transforming into who HE made them to be! They don’t see or know all she does for them. They don’t take note or keep track. They just know she’s there, and they count on it. She knows she doesn’t look like the best mom in the entire world, but she’s okay with that: Because she knows. There will be time to organize the pantry when the kids are all grown. Many children grow up with mis-matched socks and they turn out just fine. The Messes they make show the creativity waiting to be unleashed. This is a scientific laboratory. It will get messy! The relationships they make now with family, neighbors, and friends, will be the foundations on which they will build all of their relationships in life. Its a good time to practice doing it right! When our day is thrown off by a pressing need, we can trust that God has another plan and His plan is greater for us that day. We learn to walk with Jesus, from an early age, if we watch our mom walk with Jesus every day. And we see her change and Jesus transforms her to become more and more like Him. She knows her kids are blessed. Because they have front row tickets to watching Mama walk with Jesus, and grow into the woman who He has created her to be!


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