What to do to get your Self out of a Funk

 Posted by on Wed, Sep 24, 2014
Sep 242014
What to do to get your Self out of a Funk

The Funk.  It happens to the best of us.  What do we do to get our Self out of a funk? When it feels like everything is wrong… but you can’t pinpoint exactly what.  When someone asks you what’s wrong, you say “Nothing,” but mean, ‘Everything.’ It’s the feeling that we’re spinning our wheels but nothing is happening.  We are hamsters in a rat race but we are stuck going around in vicious circles.  It’s the sinking sensation that no matter what we do, all of our list of  “to do’s” will not get done.  It’s the longing for space, [ …read full story ]

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To Share or not to Share

 Posted by on Sat, Aug 23, 2014
Aug 232014
To Share or not to Share

Should we share our lives with others? Relationships take work.  Investment.  Vulnerability.  Energy. Patience.  Sometimes grief, loss, or suffering.  They can take the life out of us if we let them. Should we let relationships zap the life out of us? I believe that Christ’s answer would be 1000 times yes. Let me explain.  1 John 3:16 says “This is how we know what love is:  Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.  And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.”  And Jesus said :  “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with [ …read full story ]

Aug 042014
Watching for God and Sharing our Monday Ministries

Let us Seek Him together this week~ Join me for Monday Ministries Just another manic Monday.  You either love them or hate them.  I think we should choose to redeem Mondays together.  I would love to see Monday as a day of new starts every week.  A day to seek God’s agenda for the coming week, and to pray and ask Him for opportunities to make Him known in the world around us.  Will you do this with me?  Today, and each Monday for the remainder of 2014, will you petition God with me?  Will you ask Him to lead [ …read full story ]

Aug 012014
"Mom, don't feel guilty leaving us with Daddy"

Moms are often ridden with mom-guilt. It could be over not feeding kids healthy enough, or not reading to them enough, or not spending enough time playing puzzles with them. Or it could be over taking time for yourself. Here are my top 10 reasons that you should not feel guilty for taking time away from the hubby and kids every once in a while. (And some of you need to do it way more often than you do!) 1. Your husband loves you and wants you to be happy. He knows you deserve a break. He is convinced that [ …read full story ]

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The School Dilemma

 Posted by on Fri, Jul 18, 2014
Jul 182014
The School Dilemma

How do you decide where to send your child to school? The local public school, where the neighborhood kids go? Or private Christian school where you know they will get some good Bible teaching? Or maybe Homeschool, where you tailor the education to fit each one of your children? There are benefits to each type of educational environment and I wanted to share a few. This past school year, all of my children have been in different school settings. My oldest, Amberly, is attending a Private Christian High School. My middle, Jonah, is homeschooled. And my youngest, Benjamin, is attending [ …read full story ]

Lovely and Generous Lives

 Posted by on Sat, May 18, 2013
May 182013

I loved the devotion for May 16 by Oswald Chambers this week: The Habit of Recognizing God’s Provision. ….you may be partakers of the divine nature… 2 Peter 1:4 We are made “partakers of the divine nature,” receiving and sharing God’s own nature through His promises. Then we have to work that divine nature into our human nature by developing godly habits. The first habit to develop is the habit of recognizing God’s provision for us. We say, however, “Oh, I can’t afford it.” One of the worst lies is wrapped up in that statement. We talk as if our [ …read full story ]

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A New Day

 Posted by on Wed, Mar 14, 2012
Mar 142012

Got up early today to go for a walk before the sun came up. That’s a first for me! I am hoping to start walking regularly and get into the routine of exercise. Its been a long time! I miss going to the gym, but I don’t see how I could fit that into our already ‘full’ schedule. Just not enough time in the day. But I am thankful. The time limitation is a blessing, I am sure; otherwise, I would try to do too much! I am reading One Thousand Gifts, and was reminded last night that we have [ …read full story ]

Jan 242012

Special Poem from early Pilgrim, Anne Bradstreet – In Reference to her Children I had eight birds hatcht in one nest, Four Cocks were there, and Hens the rest. I nurst them up with pain and care, No cost nor labour did I spare Till at the last they felt their wing, Mounted the Trees and learned to sing. Chief of the Brood then took his flight To Regions far and left me quite. My mournful chirps I after send Till he return, or I do end. Leave not thy nest, thy Dame and Sire, Fly back and sing amidst [ …read full story ]

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Loving Teenagers

 Posted by on Tue, Dec 13, 2011
Dec 132011
Loving Teenagers

I was reading this week about teenagers, since I will have some soon :), and I came across this interesting quote: “Low-control and low-acceptance parents produce teens with a variety of problems, including delinquency and chemical dependency. Parents who are high in control and low in acceptance (authoritarian parents) have children who are socially inadequate and lacking in confidence. Parents who are low in control and high in acceptance (indulgent parents) have teenagers with high impulsivity, low responsibility and low independence. Parents who are high in control and high in acceptance (strict but loving parents) have teenagers who are independent, [ …read full story ]